Welcome to the enchanting world of Phaselis, an ancient city located in Antalya, Turkey. This hidden gem, once a bustling trade center during the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods, is now revealing its secrets as excavations bring an ancient street to the surface. Join us on a journey through time as we explore the rich history and significance of this remarkable archaeological site.

Uncovering the Past

The excavations in Phaselis, situated in Antalya’s Kemer district, are shedding light on the underground parts of a 2,000-year-old street. This thoroughfare was once traversed by historical figures such as Alexander the Great and Emperor Hadrian. The restoration efforts aim to provide visitors with a more immersive experience, enhancing their understanding of the city’s past.

“We are carrying out all the necessary planning work to ensure that the visitors to the ancient city have a much more comfortable visit with the landscaping and welcome center to be built throughout the ruins. We allocated 21 million Turkish Liras in the first stage for the 2023 excavation and conservation works,” said Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy.

The Glorious Temple Area

As visitors approach Phaselis, they are greeted by the majestic temple area on the entrance road. The excavation and conservation works focus on the southeastern part of the street, spanning from the central port, the heart of the city’s trade, to the southern port, where distinguished individuals once entered the city. Additionally, the temple, podium, naos, and pronaos areas will be fully unearthed, showcasing the few remaining Doric temples in Anatolia.


Restoring Aqueducts and Monumental Public Buildings

The Culture and Tourism Ministry is undertaking extensive cleaning and reinforcement work on the city’s aqueducts, ensuring their preservation for future generations. Furthermore, one of the city’s monumental public buildings is being restored to welcome visitors, providing a glimpse into the grandeur of Phaselis.

Phaselis: A Haven for Trade and Culture

Phaselis, with its strategic location on the Mediterranean coast, played a pivotal role as a trade hub in ancient times. Its three harbors facilitated extensive maritime commerce, connecting Anatolia with other Mediterranean civilizations. The city’s prosperity also nurtured a vibrant cultural scene, attracting prominent intellectuals, artists, and philosophers.

Exploring the Archaeological Site

Visitors to Phaselis can immerse themselves in a captivating journey through history. As you walk along the ancient street, you can envision the vibrant marketplace, the echoes of merchants’ calls, and the bustling activity that once filled the air. Marvel at the well-preserved ruins of the city’s theaters, bathhouses, and agora, each offering a glimpse into the daily lives of its inhabitants.

The Legacy of Phaselis

Phaselis holds a significant place in the region’s history and has left an enduring legacy. As you wander through the ruins, you can’t help but feel a connection to the past, imagining the stories and experiences of those who once called this city home. The archaeological discoveries and ongoing restoration efforts ensure that this legacy will be preserved for generations to come.

Visiting Phaselis

To fully appreciate the magnificence of Phaselis, plan your visit accordingly. The ancient city is open to the public, allowing visitors to explore its fascinating ruins. As you wander through the streets, take a moment to admire the breathtaking natural beauty that surrounds Phaselis, with its pine forests, crystal-clear waters, and stunning mountain vistas.

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