Women’s War will meet Antalya’s audience on stage at the Mall Of Antalya on January 5, 2024 at 20.00. This 2,500-year-old comedy is embellished with the humor of Antre Sahne.
When men failed to end the war, Lysistrata came up with a plan to convince women to take measures in their own hands; The plan is to force men to peace. First, they will refuse to make love with men and destroy the war power of Athens with their feminine moves. Lysistrata gathers women together, including Spartan Lampito and women from other enemy states. Although the women are reluctant at first, they embrace Lysistrata’s plan and vow to carry it out.
The ticket prices of the play is 150 TL. The event also has an age limit of 13.
Antalya Tribe
Antalya Tribe is a community of expats and locals in Antalya coming together to stay connected and enjoy the beautiful city together.

Timing Matters

While the optimal walking time is subjective, evening walks, as suggested by McCoy, can enhance sleep quality. Biologist Tamara Pazos underscores the significance of aligning with our circadian rhythms, suggesting sunrise and sunset as opportune moments.

Mental Health Boost

Amidst sedentary desk-bound routines, walking emerges as a mental health sanctuary. McCoy notes its capability to elevate mood through endorphin release, reducing stress, and mitigating risks of ailments like stroke.

Step Goals

Age and capability determine daily step targets. López-Jiménez emphasizes the essence of integrating walking into one’s daily life, be it through simple tasks like stair-climbing or parking farther from destinations.

Blood Sugar & Walking

McCoy elucidates the dynamics of blood sugar fluctuations, emphasizing the importance of stability. A brief post-meal walk can effectively regulate these levels, benefiting even those with diabetes. Pazos elaborates on how walking induces cellular energy demand, thereby regulating blood sugar while amplifying endorphin release.

In essence, walking is more than just a physical activity; it’s a holistic health solution and a pathway to a toned, attractive physique, seamlessly woven into daily life.

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